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I was born and raised in Baltimore, MD to a mother who identifies as Christian and a father who identifies as Muslim who have been happily married for over 40 years. This supported me to have a deep acceptance of people’s differences and a profound sense of affirmation in finding my own way. And though I have mixed feelings about my academic background (as the more I’ve studied the more I’ve realized that I wanted to live in a way so simple that it didn’t require the degrees I was getting, lol) I’ll mention it nonetheless because it expresses a frame of my journey within self-discovery all the same. So I have a masters degree in Transpersonal Psychology with emphases in Creative Expression and Women’s Spirituality. My magnum cum laude bachelors degree is in Media and Communications with emphases in film and sustainability from what was previously Maharishi University of Management (MUM) but is now Maharishi International University. I have been very actively studying what I’ve been referring to as indigenous nutritional science (by way of the Weston A Price foundation predominantly) since a few months before giving birth naturally at home to Pèlé, and have generally been trying to consciously facilitate my health since my early twenties through the exploration and refinement of different approaches to eating and being by traveling for a few months in India by myself and then traveling around the United States. I have also spent the last several years seeking to learn holistic/regenerative land and animal management and have stayed and worked for a short period on a couple of different farming operations before meeting my beloved Lev. I currently focus my energies predominantly on mindfully raising myself through raising my son and have been actively seeking ways to expand my parenting through being an example of- and opportunity for engagement with- nurturing tribe, the land, and beings of the land in order to nurture ourselves.