
Lev lives to empower himself and the greater community through the healing arts, martial arts, and the art of growing and preparing nourishing food.  Also known as Nehebka ShepsuMa’at, Lev is an apprentice healer in the Sounnt Kemetic Healing Tradition, a Level 2 Reiki Practitioner, a certified personal trainer and a graduate of the Potomac Massage Training Institute. Lev uses his knowledge and experience to assist others in experiencing more vitality and freedom of movement in their bodies. For over 5 years, Lev has devoted himself to the martial art of Capoeira Angola, which he uses in his work with the youth. As an uncle and facilitator, Lev is passionate about empowering the next generation and has over 3 years of working in Baltimore City Schools teaching mindful movement exploration, nature stewardship, and urban farming. Since his childhood, Lev began learning how to grow food from his father and has since studied, lived, and worked on many different permaculture farms throughout his travels across the US, Israel, Central America, Cuba, and Brasil. These travels made it clear to Lev that we as human beings are an integral aspect of nature and for our own survival and ability to thrive, it is of the highest importance that we cultivate ways of life that support the intricate harmony of Nature. Lev humbly looks to and honors indigenous cultures who’s principles and ways of life give us examples on how to be preservers of life and stewards of our collective Earth home and looks to combine forces with others who share similar values.