
Iodized Salt – our funny story, some research, and our cute solution

A couple of years ago, when Lev and I went to Jamaica for a friend’s wedding, we couldn’t believe what we couldn’t find. Sea Salt! It’s an ISLAND for goodness sakes! But what we could find, in every store, restaraunt, and person’s home we went to was iodized salt 🤮.  

We already knew we didn’t like regular salt – or at least we knew we liked sea salt better. Because it was natural and had minerals. But we double knew we didn’t like this iodized salt stuff. So we had a conundrum – either eat some nasty bland food or basically poison ourselves with this chemical toxin from big brother. Needless to say, we had a week of many salt free meals. 😢

And those tears are real – I mean, I didn’t cry over the meals. Stop it. I enjoyed every bland meal I had under that glorious island sun. – but like I really was deep down upset. Not just because salt makes almost everything taste better (like even water most the time!), but because I align with the Weston A Price Foundations principles of time tested nourishing food principles. The ninth being, that all the traditional diets that they studied – of isolated cultures all over the world with little to no cavities, easy childbirths, wide faces, and general health – contained some salt. 

And then life goes on, and you know how as long as you’re living you’re learning right?

So one day we learned that iodized salt may not have been this evil big brother thing after all. 😳

I learned it from the Weston A Price foundation, I thought it was this podcast, but after listening back I realized it must have been another time – like a member’s meeting or something. Anyway the podcast is full of gems all the same. But basically what I learned about iodine is that it was actually introduced to combat the thyroid disease: endemic goiters in the early 1930’s, an inland and soil depleted disease in a since. And it was so effective that it became pretty ubiquitous and some governments even require that iodized salt be available to their people. Anyway, if you’re interested in learning about that history there are a lot of articles about it online. But reading about it really highlighted to me how important iodine is in our diets.

Which brings me to our solution! 

Sea salt and kelp blend

Despite iodine, conventional salt still (as you’d learn if you listen to the podcast) has aluminum in it and no minerals. So, being iodized definitely doesn’t make up for all it lacks. And iodine can be found in sea vegetables among other foods. So we had the simple idea of simply mixing some powdered kelp and sea salt in a shaker and using that for practically everything! Problem solved!! And, yes, I realize you can buy something like this in the store but it usually has more than two ingredients making for a more mixed up taste and texture effect and it’s also dumb expensive. This, on the other hand, is cheap and we switch up the kinds of salt we use and the measurements in the process as our tastes evolve.  

So yea, we love it and we love how simple of a solution it is even though we never would’ve even considered it if we didn’t go through this journey of discovery around it. Life right? So supportive when you’re open to it.

Much love and thanks for reading!

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