
Lamb Cracklings 😋

Animal fat from pasture raised (or wild caught) animals is so nutrient dense. From fat soluble vitamins A, D, and K2 to cholesterol and saturated fat and much more. All of these nutrients are vital for the functioning of our body and for the assimilation of all other nutrients available in these and other foods. 

I know, this is probably the opposite of what you’ve heard from the government/TV/big-media-business (and all their funders) but the truth is – there is a global multi-leveled agenda to take away your autonomy. And one of the ways that we as a species have maintained our autonomy throughout most of our human history is by supplying all of our own food needs. And animal fats can be made in your kitchen, unlike industrially processed seed oils that are being purported as “healthy” – naw these are made in a factory with all types of madness. 

(Peep this Rooted Crowns vlog we made a little minute ago to learn more about how industrial seed oils are made.) 

And making animal fats in your kitchen is mad easy. 

Like seriously, it’s just a two step process. 

And thankfully for me, Lev loves to make sure nothing goes to waste. So he figured out how to render animal fats without me even having to mention it. Honestly, he did with me kicking and screaming, but that’s a story for another time 😂 

So this time, when we got a lamb skirt from one of our favorite regenerative farms White Oak Pastures and Lev saw how fatty that meat was, it wasn’t 2.7 seconds before he had that lamb fat rendering. And with rendered fat comes cracklings. 

And they was goooooood!!

Oh and don’t let me forget to mention how lamb AMAZING cracklings are as a finger food for Pèlé!!

So, to GET YOU SOME what you'll need:

  1.  Pasture raised lamb skirt (or any other fatty piece of quality meat)
  2. Small pot (preferably cast iron)
  3. Spoon
  4. Sharp Knife
  5. Stove
  6. Small strainer

So the process:

  1. Rinse off the meat with cool water
  2. Drain the water off as much as possible
  3. Trim off the fat
  4. Cut the fat up in 1 inch chunks
  5. Put the fat in the pot on low heat
  6. Let it sit on low
  7. Stir from time to time
  8. It will start to melt into oil
  9. When the cracklings start getting crispy, stain of the oil into a jar for later use and enjoy dem cracklings!!

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