
Making Pèlé shoes

Someone we’re proud to know and excited to explore building with soon recently said something we couldn’t agree more with – that food, shelter, and clothing are really the only things we need to be focusing on right now. 

This is something we’ve both been saying individually and collectively for many years now, and while we definitely think, today particularly, it’s important to understand equity law and commerce law to navigate the coming offers that are being presented in the form of mandatory masks, testing, vaccines and the like – fundamentally, even with this law-based freedom knowledge, the only true freedom is the kind that’s based in being able to truly say no to the ever shifting “guidelines” of the society because you don’t need to access the benefits and privileges of that society.

Meaning, I don’t need to wear masks in your little grocery store, because I get my food somewhere else entirely.

 And yea, we’ve been getting better and better at the food part. 

Learning how to eat the most nutrient dense, simple, and local as possible, connecting with farms, and so on. It’s something we’ve been sharing and are excited to share more of. 

But shelter and clothing, that’s a whole other ting we barely been scratching the surface of.

And while shelter isn’t really something we can get into but so much until we’re actually on land (soon come!) clothing is something we could be doing. Like yesterday. 

But there’s nothing like a growing baby and a mama trying to keep that baby natural and as close to barefoot as possible to motivate some progress. 

So here I am making this boy some shoes. 😂

The first round I actually made a little minute ago, freestyling some sandals  from a combination of a recycled leather jacket and purse. 

I thought they were kind of a mess and I learned a lot in the process, but Pèlé was content enough with them. 

And then we lost one. And I felt even more moved to *not buy shoes* for this little growing randomly throwing stuff out the car boy of mine. (Ok, it could’ve been me or Lev’s fault that the shoe was lost too, but who takes blame when you can just blame the baby?😁)

So back to the drawing board I went, and this time I actually referenced some baby moccasins we were gifted that were made of who knows what and fell apart within like a month or two of Pèlé wearing them. 

But they gave me a frame of reference. 

So I measured, cut, sewed, and hoped for the best. 

And even though these first pair took me so long that Pèlé’s feet grew a little bit too much in the process of me completing them 😅, he still seemed really happy with them and I figured out a good system so whipping up another pair should be no problem at all. 

And yea, I think he likes them even better this time ☺️ I know I sure do. 

So there you have it. Now I just get to finish my other shoe and we’ll be good to go. 😜

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