This website is currently in a limbo state because it was never intended to be what it is. That is, the presentation of just our family’s work. It was meant to either be the vibes (productions [music, dance, story], products [food, tools, tactile art, clothing, etc], and processes [workshops, events, and coaching]) of a village-tribe or a call out to those people.

So this page is representing that call out as we continue to nurture and evolve some potential connections we’re having towards those village-tribe ends.

Below you’ll find what we’re intending to realize and then feel free to go deeper into the site by the enter button at the bottom of this page to see some archives of what we’ve offered to the world so far.

Our values:

Integral wellness
Symbiotic abundance
Intercultural connection

What we’re meaning when we say our village-tribe:

Village-tribe overall is basically an indigenously inspired, post-colonized, hunt, gather, wild garden, seasonal farm, and bartering collective of:

  1. Multiple families committed to this vision
  2. Who migrate seasonally to different land bases and through marketplace offerings together
  3. With “exampling” / values productions (music, dance, story, events, workshops, etc)
  4. That inspire the raising of our sovereign youth – honoring and supporting their innate developmental phases moving them towards accessing their intrinsic capacity to express their unique ripple of our common source
  5. And cultivating the raising of ourselves – supporting each other to embody self-realization as empowered responsible infinitely potential ripples of common source
  6. By maintaining a common kitchen and build off of that other communal creative spaces
  7. That are encircled by light on the land personal structures (canvas tents, tipis, yurts)

Village Tribe Conversation Provoking Questions

Below are some questions that we are constantly thinking about as a tribe. We look forward to the conversations that will arise from your reflections around these topics.

  1. If you could sum up the values that are foundational to your life in one paragraph, what would that be?
  2. What’s your position on nutrition?
    1. Are you aware of the work of Weston A. Price, Sally Fallon Morrel, Allan Savory, White Oak Pastures, and/or Joel Salatin?
    2. If you didn’t have access to grocery stores would your position on nutrition need to change?
  3. Where do you land on the topic of trans? (What would be your ideal response to the following situations:)
    1. A young child walks up to you and says he or she is the opposite gender than his or her biology.
    2. A person refers to you as a they.
    3. Your teenage friend is considering taking hormone stoppers.
  4. How do you gab around the jab? (What would be your ideal response to the following situations:)
    1. Someone asks you if you’ve taken the covid vaccine.
    2. Someone asks you if your children are vaccinated.
    3. Someone asks you if you’ve had covid.
  5. What’s your take on race? (What would be your ideal response to the following situations:)
    1. Someone acts/speaks negatively towards/about a person because of associating them with a group of people in conversation with you.
    2. Someone acts/speaks negatively towards/about you because of associating you with a group of people.
    3. Someone says they do not want to identify with the race that has been associated with them by society.
    4. Someone apologizes and asks to make amends for actions that other people took in a racial group this person identifies with.
  6. What do you expect when talking in the abstract?
    1. Do you feel that there are fundamental definitions to abstract words like love and good or that they are relatively defined?
  7. What’s your feeling about healing?
    1. Would you take an antibiotic?
    2. What would be your first response to pain?
    3. Do you use “alternative” methods to heal? If so, what are some examples?