
Lactofermented Coconut Soda

We have this running joke going between Lev and I that in the future, Pèlé will be talking to another child who was raised with a SAD (Standard American Diet) lifestyle. 

When the child hears that our family doesn’t eat out for 99% of our meals (honestly 100% right now but we’re open to that changing when we move somewhere with more conscious restaurants) and we don’t eat ultra-processed prepackaged foods from grocery stores, when he hears that the other child will be asking Pèlé different questions about whether he ever had different foods. 

So in this iteration of the joke it goes…

Other child: “So, have you ever even had coke??”

Pèlé: “Like the drug?!”

Other child: “No! I mean like the soda!”

Pèlé: “Oh!! Yea, I have soda all the time. Like every day.”

Other child: “What?! Your mom let’s you drink soda everyday?! That’s so unhealthy man!”

Pèlé: “No it’s not! It’s a medicine dude, it’s supporting my gut flora!” 

Other child: “What are you even saying?”

Pèlé: “Don’t you know what a fermented drink is? My mom makes it like every other day.”

Other child: “Your mom makes soda? How is that even possible?”

Pèlé: “It’s all about that whey man.”

Other child: “Whey?! Like the protein powder stuff?”

Pèlé: “Naw man, that stuff’s gross! My mom makes real whey, from raw goat yogurt.”

Other child: “So you’re saying your mom makes soda from YOGURT?! I don’t even, I don’t even, I don’t even know what to say to you man.”

Pèlé: “::shrugs:: It’s delicious man. You don’t know what you’re missing.”

What you'll need:

  1. Coconut Water
  2. ½ Gallon Jar
  3. Tight fitting lid
  4. ½ cup of whey (we make ours from raw yogurt) 

How you do it:

  1. Add the whey to jar
  2. Add the coconut water
    1. Leave about an inch of room at the top
  3. Cover with tight fitting lid
  4. Shake gently
  5. Leave for 12-24 hours depending on how hot it is in your kitchen
    1. Taste it when it starts to get bubbly
    2. If you leave it too long it’ll start tasting a little sulphur-ey. Which is safe, but may not be to your liking so be sure to check it once it starts getting bubbly. 

There are many variations of this recipe, like adding honey, using juice and water instead of coconut water, using tea and honey, etc. We’ll share more versions in the future! 

Did you try the recipe? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

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