
Law Based Freedom in a Slavery Based Society

Opting out is something so many of us have on our minds. From mandatory vaccines, to forced wearing of masks and social distancing, to forced covid testing. We want to be able to say no when we don’t want something and be heard and supported within our decisions. We used to think that was a pipe dream in a society where more and more liberties are being stripped away for the “greater good” but now that we’ve discovered this information below, we’re starting to believe something else really may be possible. 

Below you’ll find links to approaches to the government that may actually support autonomy. We don’t know for sure, but in some ways it seems to be working and most of it is pretty easy to do so we definitely think it’s worth a try. 

If you try to approach anything below and you have any questions, feel free to comment below or send us a communication through our contact page and we’ll help in whatever ways we can. Much love!

The Documents:  (Non consent and conditional acceptance with liability opposing any mandatory vaccines)

Video Explanation of the Documents:

The Courses and Community: (An international community of others studying law based freedom – led by a team who have been studying and applying this information successfully for over 20 years in Australia. Full disclosure – this is an affiliate link.)

The Video from America: (A video talking about the successes of liability documents in America against smart meters and other infringements:)

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1 thought on “Law Based Freedom in a Slavery Based Society”

  1. Pingback: Making Pèlé shoes – Wellsprings of Umoja

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