
Meditations on Mankind’s Mimicry of Machines

In this episode, Lev shares his thoughts on how machines have become so embedded in our lives, that the modern mind now identifies us, compares ourselves to, and treats ourselves like machines. Lev elaborates on why he thinks this is a backwards comparison and why thinking this way can be destructive to our sanity and health, while offering an alternative way of directing our perception to honor the Divine design in our Nature within. For those who prefer to listen to the extended version, check out the podcast below. And for those who would to prefer to read the article, here’s the written article below.

The Article:

Every piece of technology that we humans have ever invented is a form of Biomimicry. As a species, perhaps our most prominent skill is to copy the phenomena that we perceive and replicate it in a form and context based on our goals.

If you open up the hood of your car, any other vehicle, or even take apart your electronic devices, it is not difficult to see how these devices are replicas of biological organisms and bodily systems ranging in complexity.

Some machines are designed like amoebas, while others are like dragons or dinosaurs. Many people who speak in the name of “The Science,” will have us thinking that our health and all biological processes are purely mechanistic. Metaphors equating the body as a machine or vehicle are commonplace. Many doctors will even have you treating your body the same way you treat your car, hooking yourself up to external regulatory machines, getting parts replaced, and taking chemical additives to maintain and/or repair function.

The more I learn about mechanics and working on my own vehicles, the more I have realized that understanding the human body has immensely contributed to my ability to understand the function of a car. 

Every part and system in a car is an imitation of a bodily system for example: the computer and electrical sensors and wires are like the brain and nervous system; the alternator and batteries are like the heart, kidneys and the circulatory system; the engine oil is like lymph fluid; and the fuel system and exhaust is like the digestive system. These are just a few of the parallels, but keeping your car functioning is about understanding the function of all the different parts and systems and being able fix anything that may be in need of repair, usually by means of replacing or adding something new to carry out that particular function properly. In other words, the machine has no healing power of its own. 

The human body, however, is a miraculous self-healing phenomenon that is meticulously designed to protect, preserve, maintain, optimize, and heal itself. Every symptom and bodily process is an expression of this intelligence.

No matter how much I learn how to repair cars, machines, or electronics, none of that will ever help me to support the body to heal itself. If I treat the body as a machine, I am ignoring the innate intelligence of the body and getting in the way of the healing process. Both the bodily health practitioner and the mechanic have to be able to read the signs and symptoms that are presenting themselves as a prerequisite for the treating the issue. The difference lies in that with the body, our intervention can either contribute to the body’s own existing processes to promote a higher quality of health and vitality, or interfere with our body’s process by shutting down it’s symptoms and restoring function at the expense of wellness. If we are honest, many of us have been educated and tricked into treating our bodies like machines and outright injuring or poisoning ourselves in the names of personal and public health.

The addiction to externally sourcing our power as we seek the experience of vital health and resilient healing is at the heart of this issue. We would rather treat ourselves like robots and go see our mechanically-minded doctor/s to tell us how control our symptoms of sickness, than to take responsibility and live a life that reinforces our foundational Nature of vitality and wellness. Although the metal, mineral, and mechanical are aspects to our own beings, this message is a reminder that you have not been designed in the image of a machine, rather we have designed machines in our image.

Remember my friend that you have been designed in the image of the Divine, an expression of the eternal elements, a child of the Earth, who inherited her intricate infinite living beauty and resilient insourced healing potential.

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